Recently, not only in the big cities, but also in the small settlements, outdoor training facilities have been observed. This is wonderful, you have to agree with us.

Street fitness is of great interest and we are sure that you will soon start training.

Street fitness can be used in any season, as long as you are motivated.

Training at any time of the year is a great initiative for both fitness and health. Unfortunately, hours can be accompanied by discomfort and even harm to your health. We tell you how to properly prepare for the gym or running, so that the load is effective and does not cause harm.

Clothing for street fitness
Clothing should be specialized, so you should always find out in advance in what form it is best to deal with the chosen type of load. It is optimal that the shape is not too narrow, but not too loose – hoods will only interfere during the training process. In addition, you should not buy things with decor such as zippers and fasteners, which can accidentally attach to the simulator and cause injury.

There is a selection of quality clothing for street fitness in Point1 magazine. Although not all buyers react positively to intrusive sellers (and we understand them well), in a sports shop with experienced professionals who know the range, it will be much easier for you to make the right choice. In addition, in most cases they are better understanding and know exactly what can be useful in your training.

Sports shoes – sneakers
It seems that there is nothing difficult in buying sneakers, but not everyone understands the real threat to health when choosing the wrong shoes. Especially if you decide to run on a treadmill. And no matter how “sporty” sneakers look, they can really increase the risk of injury. Let’s leave them for everyday visions and choose the right things that properly distribute the load on the legs. The choice will also depend on the nature of the load: whether you go to the gym, jogging or fitness classes.

You need to find out which shoes are for fitness, which are pure for running, which are for athletics. Don’t save money if it’s expensive. It is better to buy good sneakers than to come home later and cry that your feet hurt.

Running clothes.
The choice of running clothes will depend on where you plan to run – on the street or in the gym. Outdoor training equipment is also selected based on the climate and time of year.

To begin with, we will analyze the principles for choosing a sports wardrobe for summer street running. The same form of clothing is suitable for activities on the treadmill in the gym. Such an athlete is advised to buy the following things:

T-shirt and shorts. It is better to give preference to sports synthetics. Proponents of natural fabrics should keep in mind that the form must be washed after each performance, and fabrics made of natural materials do not have sufficient resistance to wear and will not last long with such intensive use. In addition, sportswear removes moisture well, has hypoallergenic properties and has seams that do not rub when moving.
Sports tops. A light windbreaker is needed in rainy and cool weather. It is good if there is a water-repellent surface, as well as areas for ventilation and removal of moisture on the back. We recommend to look at windbreakers and sports tops in Point1.
Sports socks. The difference between running socks is that they are divided into zones, each of which performs its own functions. In this way, the area of ​​contact of the foot with the surface has increased wear resistance, and the fabric at the top of the foot provides ventilation due to small holes located on it. These socks are not cheap, but will last several times longer than usual.
Headband. It is necessary to protect the eyes from leaking sweat from the forehead. For sunny weather there is a variation with a visor. You can also use a simple baseball cap for sun protection.

According to color therapy, colors such as red, yellow and orange can give energy even to an inactive person. But if you tend to sweat more, it is better to prefer dark shades, on which wet spots are less visible. It is important to choose a sports uniform wisely, taking into account the characteristics of the loads performed. Movement should be fun, and this is impossible without comfortable and well-chosen clothes. And if the sportswear is also aesthetic and you already feel your beauty in it, this will be an additional guarantee that you will not give up on your goal.

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The project is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Republic of Bulgaria – Republic of North Macedonia Programme.
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