Finish the implementation of this on the project “Younger from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for healthy prevention”

Благоевград, 16.11.2020 г.

Завърши изпълнението на дейностите по проект „Младежите от България и Македония заедно за здравна профилактика“

Фондация „Профилактика за здраве“ от Благоевград и Центърът за развитие на Трети Североизточен планов регион в Република Северна Македония успешно завършиха дейностите по проекта.

Проектът стартира с провеждането на проучване на наличните туристически ресурси в Област Благоевград и Североизточен планов регион в Република Северна Македония, които да дават възможност за развитие на здравен, уелнес и спортен туризъм.

В Благоевград бе създаден и оборудван Център за поддържане на Мрежа за здраве и туризъм, като в допълнение на това бе проведено тридневно обучение по темите за здравето и туризма. Организирана бе и кръгла маса с представители на заинтересовани страни от туристическия бранш, неправителствения сектор и широката общественост за запознаване с инициативата и осигуряване на подкрепа за Центъра.

В гр. Крива Паланка, Северна Македония, бе изградено игрище за миниголф и площадка за „стрийт фитнес“, и бяха организирани състезания за деца и младежи. В България състезанията бяха проведени успоредно на няколко локации в Област Благоевград.

Последната съществена дейност включваше 5-дневен уъркшоп с деца и младежи от целевата група под наставничеството на експерт по разработване на туристически продукт, като децата и младежите дадоха своя принос, идеи и виждания за трансграничен здравен туристически продукт.

С цел популяризиране на проекта и дейностите по него бе създаден уебсайт на проекта и страници в социалните мрежи, проведени бяха две пресконференции, отпечатани брошури, промоционални материали и други. Докладът от проучването на туристическите ресурси и трансграничният туристически продукт също бяха отпечатани и разпространени сред заинтересованите страни по проекта.

Въпреки възникналите трудности, породени от изострената епидемична обстановка с COVID-19 и ограниченията за пътувания и събрания, партньорите съумяха да проведат редица събития чрез използване на виртуални ИКТ инструменти за конферентна връзка.

Лице за контакти: Димитър Маникатов


GSM: +359886 799304

Final press conference in Blagoevgrad

Today, November 16, 2020 in Blagoevgrad, Republic of Bulgaria, a final press conference was held on the project “Young people from Bulgaria and Macedonia for tourism as health prevention.”

The press conference was attended by Dimitar Manikatov, Manager of the Foundation “Health Prophylaxis”, Lead partner of the project, representatives of the tourism business and the non-governmental sector, as well as academia.

The main goals of the project, the implementation of the activities and the achieved results were noted. Attention was paid to the positive feedback from the participants in the project activities and their understanding of the need for future joint initiatives to promote tourism in the cross-border region and its adaptation to the challenges posed by the crisis with the global pandemic of COVID-19.

Mr. Mladen Protic, head of the Center for Development of the Third Northeast Planning Region, also joined in via video conference. He thanked for the assistance provided in the implementation of the project, the good partnership

The press conference was attended by stakeholders, representatives of local authorities and the media from the region.

Health and Tourism Guide

In the framework of the the Guide we unite major outputs achieved in the course of the Project – research and analysis of the tourism sites and resources in Blagoevgrad District (Bulgaria) and North-East Planning Region (North Macedonia), the results from the five-day workshop under the project and the tourist product developed by the Youth Initiative with the assistance of an external expert.

The present Health and Tourism Guide follows the main objective of the project – to promote the development of health, wellness and sports tourism in the cross-border region between Blagoevgrad District and the North-East Planning Region in North Macedonia by outlining the suitable opportunities and tourist points of interest by types of tourism – health, wellness and sports. Also, the present Guide contains a detailed description of the tourist product, developed by the youth Initiative in the form of a tourist route with details about the various sites. It is important to underline that this tourist product also indicates different cultural points of interest with which the cross-border region is bountiful with and whose location often coincides or is in the vicinity of sources of mineral waters, etc.

The document is prepared in implementation of the project „Young people from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for tourism as a health prevention“ with reference number CB006.2.23.116 under the Interreg-IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Bulgaria-Northern Macedonia.

Картинката не може да има празен alt атрибут; името на файла е uchastnici2.jpg

The guide can be found here or in the “Reports and Guides” section

Presented tourist product for health tourism to young people from the cross-border region

Today, November 12, 2020, young people aged 7 to 19 from Blagoevgrad and Kriva Palanka were presented the tourist product demonstrating the potentials for health and sports tourism in the Northeast region of the Republic of Northern Macedonia and Blagoevgrad region in the Republic of Bulgaria.

The tourist product is the result of the initiative of young people from both sides of the border, who took part in five-day workshops on topics such as health tourism, spa and wellness, health prevention and others. These events were held within the project “Youth from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for tourism as health prevention”. This product is a complete offer for health and wellness tourism in both regions. Young people from Bulgaria and young people from Macedonia had the opportunity to take part in the presentation through a virtual conference call, in order to comply with the restrictions imposed by the competent health authorities on gatherings and bans on cross-border travel.

The project is implemented by the Health Prevention Foundation from Blagoevgrad, the Republic of Bulgaria and the Northeast Regional Development Center for Planning of the Republic of Macedonia, within the INTERREG – IPA CBC program of the European Union for cross-border cooperation between the two countries.

One of the goals of the project is to create conditions for health prevention and prophylaxis through the construction of tourist facilities in the town of Kriva Palanka and to promote the cooperation of young people and people with disabilities on both sides of the border.

As part of the project on the quay of Kriva Reka in Kriva Palanka, an outdoor fitness zone and a mini golf course have been built, and in Blagoevgrad a Center of the Health and Tourism Network has been established, which will provide free health services for young people and people with disabilities. both from the municipalities and from the region

The event was also covered in the media in the Republic of Northern Macedonia:

Coverage in Macedonian media

Round table for health tourism

Today, November 11, 2020 A round table was held with participants from the Blagoevgrad District and the Third Northeast Planning Region of the Republic of North Macedonia on topics related to the significance and benefits of the two regions for the development of health tourism, the state of infrastructure and infrastructure to exploit health tourism as a niche market.

The roundtable was conducted through the use of virtual conferencing instruments, as well as the observance of restrictions on conference facilities and prohibitions on cross-border travel with an appropriate purpose.

The participants also disrupted the Health and Tourism Network, whose center is located in the town. Blagoevgrad, on 18 “Anton Chekhov” Str. The Center will be used for health and tourism purposes of children from schools on both sides of the border, for training, examinations for young people, children with deformities and children with injuries, as well as for students with specialties related to health, tourism and prophylaxis.

The participants in the round table united around the success of vigil partnership and joint initiatives in the field of health, spa and wellness and sports tourism in the cross-border region between the Blagoevgrad District in the Republic of Bulgaria and the whole of the Republic of North Macedonia.


Closing press conference in Kriva Palanka

Closing press conference in Kriva Palanka

Today, November 11, 2020, in the town of Kriva Palanka, Republic of Northern Macedonia, a final press conference was held on the project “Young people from Bulgaria and Macedonia for tourism as health prevention.”
The press conference was attended by Mr. Mladen Protic, Head of the Center for Development of the Third Northeast Planning Region, and Mr. Boryancho Mitsevski, Mayor of Kriva Palanka Municipality, on whose territory the main activity of building a mini golf course and street fitness was performed. .
The main goals of the project, the implementation of the activities and the achieved results were noted. Attention was paid to the positive feedback from the population about the built sports facilities and their place in the overall volume of investments for a healthy lifestyle.
Dimitar Manikatov, manager of the Foundation “Health Prophylaxis”, Lead partner of the project, also joined in via video conference. He thanked for the assistance provided in the implementation of the project, good partnerships and satisfaction with the results achieved.
The press conference was attended by stakeholders, representatives of local authorities and the media from the region.

A three-day workshop “Tourism as health prevention” for children and young people has ended

The workshop, organized by the Health Prevention Foundation from Blagoevgrad and the Center for Development of the Third Northeast Planning Region in the Republic of Northern Macedonia, took place between 3 and 7 November 2020. The initiative was part of a project entitled “Youth from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for health prevention ”with reference number № CB006.2.23.116 under the Cross-border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Northern Macedonia.

The workshop was attended by children aged 7 to 19, who learned about important details about tourism, health prevention and the opportunities provided by the rich and diverse resources that the cross-border region offers in the field of spa and wellness. In their work they were guided and assisted by an expert in the development of tourist products with extensive practical and academic experience.

Among the expert’s responsibilities was to summarize the ideas and suggestions received from the children participating in the workshop, with a view to developing a comprehensive tourism product covering the regions on both sides of the border. This tourist product will contribute to the overall development of the tourist capacity for health prevention, development of health, spa and wellness and sports tourism for the target regions of the two countries.

The finished tourism product resulting from this youth initiative will be presented to stakeholders (local and regional authorities, business and the non-governmental sector) in the framework of public events to be held on both sides of the border.

A five-day workshop “Tourism as health prevention” for children and young people begins

The five-day workshop, organized by the Foundation “Health Prophylaxis”, Blagoevgrad and the Center for Development of the Third Northeast Planning Region in the Republic of North Macedonia, is expected to continue from November 3rd to 7th. The initiative is part of a project entitled “Young people from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for tourism as a health prevention” with reference number № CB006.2.23.116 under the Cross-border Cooperation Program Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Northern Macedonia.

The workshop will be attended by children aged 7 to 19, who will learn about important details about tourism, health prevention and the opportunities provided by the rich and diverse resources that the cross-border region offers in the field of spa and wellness.
After getting acquainted with the objectives of the project, a quiz is planned, aimed at acquainting the attendees with the characteristics of the natural and geographical factors of the Northeast Planning Region (NEPR) and Blagoevgrad District.
At the end of the workshop there will be a practical part related to the development and preparation of tourist routes aimed at health prevention, development of health, spa and wellness and sports tourism for the target regions of the two countries.
The project aims to develop tourism capacities in the two regions for health prevention and cooperation of young people on both sides of the border. So far, project activities are building an outdoor fitness area and a mini golf course in the quay of Kriva Reka in Kriva Palanka, and in Blagoevgrad a Center of Health and Tourism Network has been established, which will provide free health services for young people and people who can visit the municipalities in the region.

The trainings for children and youth at the Center of the Health and Tourism Network have ended

On October 31, 2020, the series of three-day trainings for children and youth on topics related to health, prevention and the role of tourism as a factor for the convergence of young people in the cross-border region ended.

The trainings were held in the newly opened Center of the Health and Tourism Network in the cross-border region between Blagoevgrad District and the Third Northeast Planning Region in the Republic of North Macedonia. Children from the Republic of North Macedonia also took part in the training through virtual conference tools, in view of the restrictions on travel abroad and the restrictive measures imposed by the competent health authorities.

The trainings are expected to contribute to increasing the interest of young people in tourism, the tourist opportunities in the cross-border region and the opportunities for improving the health and prevention of various diseases and disabilities.

The participants expressed their satisfaction with the presented information and instructions and promised that they would visit the many tourist sites in the region as soon as possible.

The project is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Republic of Bulgaria – Republic of North Macedonia Programme.
Този проект е съфинансиран от Европейския съюз чрез Interreg – ИПП Програма за трансгранично сътрудничество между Република България и Република Северна Македония.
Овој проект е кофинансиран од Европската Унија преку Interreg- ИПА Програмата за прекугранична соработка меѓу Република Бугарија и Република Северна Македонија.