How to make a home gym – inventory and equipment for training in an apartment or house
Decide on the purpose of the classes
If you want to lose weight and improve endurance, then the direct path to cardio is a treadmill, stationary bike, step platform, ellipse. If you need to pump up muscles, then take weights, dumbbells, horizontal bar, fitness bands and other similar equipment. the goal is – flexibility and stretching, it is enough to buy a mat, fitball (large elastic ball) and, for example, special straps for stretching.

Find the right room
The goal is clear, now you need to find out in which room and in which area you want to place your sports equipment. It is important that the space is safe: there should be no fragile objects nearby, exercise equipment should not block passages and exits, and also interfere with household members.

If it is possible to choose a separate corner where the Swedish wall will be installed and the equipment will lie, that’s great. If there is no such option, then consider mobile steppers or treadmills that can be easily removed under the bed after a workout. For sports at home you do not need to create an analogue of a gym with a crossover and a Smith machine – one where everyone likes to squat with a barbell.

Choose simulators
There is an abundance of home fitness equipment on the market right now, so if you are a beginner, you run the risk of buying something wrong. In this case, you can easily solve the problem: do not buy anything, but rent or borrow from a friend, a bodybuilder. So in practice you can check if this simulator is right for you, if you like it and most importantly if you have enough motivation for home sports.

Just start
Sometimes dumbbells and bedding are enough to get you started. But even the choice of weights must be approached responsibly. Too much light will not give the desired effect and will be a waste of money. Conversely, severe can lead to sprains and strains. To find the right weight, experts recommend doing about 20 repetitions of one exercise and find out which weight is more comfortable for you: when there is tension but no tension. And gradually in the process of training increase this weight by 5-10%.

It is the same with choosing a fitness mat that will definitely be useful to you. It not only provides comfort when exercising, but is also responsible for safety: it provides stability and prevents slipping. It is best to choose a mattress based on your activity. For example, for outdoor activities it is worth taking a carpet with a thicker coating, for a house is suitable thickness of 4 mm. The choice of matte material is a more individual matter. Even the simplest insulation (polyethylene foam) mat will be suitable for most sports activities. But if you want to get maximum comfort, then you should pay attention to the tire: it is more pleasant to the touch and does not slip at all.


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