The first inclusive outdoor fitness zone has been set up, on the right bank of the Kriva Reka, next to the roller-cycling track. Dozens of devices for outdoor exercise are mounted on an adapted, rubberized surface, and the activity is realized with the project “Young people from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for tourism as a prevention of health.”

  • Kriva Palanka got a new urban inclusive corner for recreation and sports for the young generations. The socialization of the different target groups, the creation of life habits and the proper growth and development are our obligation. In addition to this fitness zone, along the course of Kriva Reka, another recreational corner is being installed, where a mini-golf course is being built, which will enrich the contents for sports and recreation of the youth of the municipality and all visitors and tourists, said the mayor. of Kriva Palanka, Borjanco Micevski.

The project “Youth from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for tourism as health prevention” is implemented by the Center for Development of the Northeast Mountainous Region (SIPR) and the Foundation for Health Prevention of the Republic of Bulgaria, within the INTEREG IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program between the two countries.

In addition to infrastructure activities, the project envisages holding sports games and competitions for young people from Blagoevgrad and Kriva Palanka, which are planned to be established as a practice among young people in the border region.

The aim of the project is to promote cooperation between regional actors in the field of sustainable tourism, health promotion and the establishment of a center for health and tourism networking of children and youth and people with disabilities.


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The project is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Republic of Bulgaria – Republic of North Macedonia Programme.
Този проект е съфинансиран от Европейския съюз чрез Interreg – ИПП Програма за трансгранично сътрудничество между Република България и Република Северна Македония.
Овој проект е кофинансиран од Европската Унија преку Interreg- ИПА Програмата за прекугранична соработка меѓу Република Бугарија и Република Северна Македонија.