A vest with the same strength is a single multi-functional starter and build your muscles in time for training.
Samiyat az byah was taken from Dyado Koleda with a gift for elhat, namely a 10kg vest with the same weight.
Naturally, I’m not slow, but I’ll try and try it again and send it to close street fitness up to 121 SDA.
Byakh decided yes by sending two tests to the vest with the same test.
Strength test and cardio test.
How do you represent your strength in the vest test with the same test?
Before you fold your vest, direct the good stuff on the working muscles.
Zapochnakh with jumpindzhak, dirty on ramen, thoracic musculature and grub s own tegest.
A trace of the goodness of the common folded vest with the same on the head of the si and the backs of the ss of the power test.
The strength test includes your picking up from a tight and wide grip, variations on the front support with a hole in the inclination behind the bugle, medium and long partly on the guard and kofichki on the straightening.
Between the exercises, perform exercises with a vest with the same right and stretch the exercises with an elastic.