
Promotional film “Tourism as a health prevention”

Possibilities for tourism and health in Blagoevgrad region (BG audio)

Possibilities for tourism and health in Blagoevgrad region (MK audio)

Possibilities for tourism and health in Kumanovo district (BG audio)

Possibilities for tourism and health in Kumanovo district (MK audio)

Project „Young people from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for tourism as a health prevention“ (BG audio)

Project „Young people from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for tourism as a health prevention“ (MK audio)

Outdoor Health in Blagoevgrad and Kumanovo (BG audio)

Outdoor Health in Blagoevgrad and Kumanovo (MK audio)

Closing press-conference interview
Presented tourism product

This web site has been produced with the assistance of the European Union through the Interreg-IPA CBC Bulgaria-North Macedonia Programme Expenditure is under project “Young people from Bulgaria and Macedonia together for tourism as a health prevention” Ref. No. CB006.2.23.116

The project is co-funded by EU through the Interreg-IPA CBC Republic of Bulgaria – Republic of North Macedonia Programme.
Този проект е съфинансиран от Европейския съюз чрез Interreg – ИПП Програма за трансгранично сътрудничество между Република България и Република Северна Македония.
Овој проект е кофинансиран од Европската Унија преку Interreg- ИПА Програмата за прекугранична соработка меѓу Република Бугарија и Република Северна Македонија.